Wednesday 21 September 2011

Condé Nast

Barbie Fashion ModelVia Registrarism, I discover that Condé Nast is launching a fashion college in London. This isn't exactly unprecedented. Sotheby's for instance have an education arm which leverages the exclusivity and access offered by the Sotheby's brand. To quote the Sotheby's site:

Sotheby's auction house provides students with privileged access to pre-sale viewings, talks by experts, and handling sessions. In addition, students visit the many commercial galleries, artists' studios and museums available in London. Such knowledge prepares students for a variety of careers in the art world.
 As you may have garnered from this post, I don't consider myself much of a looker and don't have much interest in fashion. I am interested to see from the BBC site, which makes this clearest, that there are no plans to offer undergraduate degrees.

I've been watching for any new private providers to announce an intention to open in the UK undergraduate market since the White Paper. So far I've seen none. Only those providers - Kaplan and BPP primarily - already committed before the White Paper seem to be coming forward. I strongly suspect that the student number cap is the  biggest single issue here.

When does absence of evidence become evidence of absence?

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